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Serving Business Leaders in 50 US States, alternative risk management (reinsurance) is a popular strategy. Those forward-thinking leaders seek to mitigate risks, control claims, protect assets, improve cash flow and provide access to premium. 

People Cheering

"Not only did my executive team partner with Reinsurance Specialties™,

I formed my own reinsurance structure via this excellent program."

John L.

- Wisconsin-

“We vetted many servicing companies before landing on this reinsurance platform. They have been extremely helpful in introduction, education and connections with unrelated, third party operational teams. We are extremely happy with our reinsurance model."

Jeff M.

- Florida -

"Reinsurance is a beautiful business tool used to help control business risk exposures surrounding our ten LLCs; we remit tax-advantaged premium monthly and enjoy mitigating our collective risks."

Morgan J.

- New York -

"The Reinsurance Specialties™  team members are true professionals and work with value-added subject-matter experts; they make education and communication simple and straight forward."

Corey T.

- Michigan -


"Reinsurance Specialties™  has surrounded itself with subject-matter-experts who bring education, actuarial assessment samples, case studies and insights to the table. The onboarding with the third-party insurer was simple and straight forward. I have enlightened my business colleagues on this opportunity."

Rick W.

- Florida -

"I am a retired dentist-entrepreneur. I’ve been making a nice income for many years but with insurance costs and the current tax laws it was hard to affordably protect my family and accumulate wealth.


I was fortunate to run into your representative models. The third-party entity assisted me in setting up my own insurance company and I mitigate my under-insured risk in addition to my P&C provider."

R. Lynn C.

- Oklahoma -

"Team members of the Reinsurance Specialties™ organization are responsible, trustworthy and approachable professionals. Me and my fellow medical professionals are strategically self-insuring our under-insured risks (and protecting our assets) relative to our practices, real estate properties and business holdings outside the practice."

Stuart T.

- Oklahoma -

Business Meeting

"If there was ever a time in our nation's history where business owners needed the power and peace of reinsurance, IT IS NOW!"

Andy and Rhonda K.

- Oklahoma -




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© 2024 by Reinsurance Specialties   

PORC insurance and alternative risk transfer planning involves sophisticated insurance and risk management issues, regulatory and corporate legal issues, federal, state and usually international tax issues, and a wide range of accounting and financial issues. This planning is specific to each set of circumstances. It is not appropriate to apply general information described herein to any particular situation. The formation of a captive is a part of a client’s implementation of alternative risk transfer planning, and is dwarfed by its ongoing operations. As a result, this planning should not be undertaken without a competent team of professionals who have extensive experience in alternative risk transfer planning.

The information herein is general in nature, and may not be relied on for any specific use. The content herein (including graphics) does not purport to show all details and complexity in establishing a compliant alternative risk transfer program. Reinsurance Specialties™ is not engaged in rendering legal services or advice.


Disclosure under IRS Circular 230: The information and services offered are not intended to and do not comply with the U.S. Treasury Department’s technical requirements for a formal legal opinion, and cannot be used by a taxpayer to avoid any penalty that might be imposed on a taxpayer. Nothing herein may be used in promoting, marketing or recommending an investment plan or arrangement.

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